How to Choose the Perfect Art Print for Your Children's Bedroom

How to Choose the Perfect Art Print for Your Children's Bedroom

Find a style that matches your child

It's a good idea to choose an art print that matches your child's personality. This can be done by considering things like their interests, favourite colours and name. It could be fun and colourful or more serious and sophisticated. It's also important to make sure the style of art suits the age range of your child too—if they're young it might be better to go for something bright, but if they're older you can incorporate a more mature design into their room without making it look too childish.

Frame it

The final step to bringing your children's art print to life is framing it. Frames are an important element of any piece of art, and they can make or break the overall look and feel of a room. When choosing a frame, try to match its style with that of your child's bedroom. If you have an arty child who loves bright colors, a pop-art frame could be just what he or she needs! If your child prefers more traditional decorating styles, however, consider something more classic in design.

If you're struggling with what kind of frame style would best suit their interests and personality, take time to think about why they love this particular piece so much. Is there anything about it that makes you feel nostalgic? Does it remind you of one special memory? This may help point you towards which way to go when selecting a complementary frame style for your new artwork. It also helps if there's an aspect about the artwork itself that lends itself well towards certain types (for example: if there are bright colors present).

Once again: don't forget about practicality! Frame size matters too—make sure whatever size you choose doesn't take up too much space on either side or top/bottom so parents aren't constantly bumping into them while walking through the room!

Let them pick one themselves

If you want to make sure you’re picking the right art print, let your children pick one out themselves.

Their tastes are going to be different than yours, and they’ll probably like something that wouldn’t work in your living room or foyer.

Let them choose the style—whether it’s whimsical and colorful or more muted and sophisticated—and let them decide on the size too. It may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes kids will like a larger piece when they think it will help them feel cozy in their room.

It's important to consider where you'll hang the art print too: if it's too high up for them to see comfortably or reach easily on their own (which can happen if it's above their beds), then there won't be much point in buying an expensive piece of artwork at all!

Make it personal

Personalize it with your child's name. If you're looking to create a bedroom that's completely unique, consider adding the names of your children to the art print. This can be done in several ways: by painting their names on it yourself, or by purchasing a pre-made canvas that already includes their names. If you'd prefer to keep things simple and just add a single initial letter to the piece, use some of those stickers from the dollar store!

Make them choose the art themselves. When choosing an art print for your child's bedroom, let him or her have some input into what goes up on those walls! You might be surprised at how well they know what they want—and if not, there are plenty of ways for parents to help guide them toward something suitable without being too pushy about it (more on this later). Whatever route you take, make sure that it's something he/she will love looking at every day; after all, artwork is meant as an expression of who we are as individuals—and if we're going to decorate our homes with this stuff then shouldn't everything reflect who we are?

Think of what your child would like in their bedroom

An important consideration when choosing art for your child's bedroom is to think about what they would like. A good starting point is thinking about what kind of art they enjoy, or if they'd like a pop of color or a calming influence in their room.

Another thing to consider is what do they like to do? Do they love reading and drawing? Or perhaps there's something more active that comes to mind: maybe playing outside, riding bikes with friends or even building things out of Legos! It may not be necessary to paint the walls with rainbows and butterflies if your child prefers building tanks instead.

How old are they? Older children will likely have a better idea than younger kids because as we age we become interested in different types of things throughout our lives. So try asking them which artists inspire them most often (whether this inspiration comes from books, TV shows, movies). Maybe it's Van Gogh's Starry Night series or Monet’s Water Lilies series; maybe it’s Warhol’s Campbell Soup Cans print collection—whatever inspires them most will likely provide great insight into which direction might best suit your home decor needs!