Posters For Every Room Of Your Home: A How To Guide

art prints


Living Room

If you're looking to add some personality to the room, choose a focal point in the space and hang your poster above it. If there isn't a specific place where you want to hang it, try mixing it up—hang one poster at eye level and another on the wall behind. Or, if you have a large piece of furniture (or several smaller ones), consider hanging some posters around them for extra impact.

A large poster can help make a small room appear larger—and vice versa! In fact, this is one of our favorite ways to decorate with art: when it comes to living rooms and other areas where we don't have much wall space available for hanging artwork (or even paintings), adding oversized prints is an easy way to create visual interest without impacting your budget too much—because let's face it: these things aren't cheap!


The bedroom is a place to relax and unwind, so it makes sense that you want to keep the decor simple and minimal. After all, who wants to wake up in a room filled with posters? That said, adding one or two accent pieces can be an easy way to make your space more personal—and who doesn't want more personality in their life?

The best way to incorporate wall art into your bedroom is with calm designs and colors. If you're looking for inspiration, try searching "relaxing" or "calming" designs on Google Images; there are many great options out there! Another option is using posters that feature nature images: landscapes, trees and flowers all make for excellent additions because they look calming without being distracting from sleep time (which really does happen).


Bathroom posters are a great way to add character, but they should be chosen carefully. In this room, posters should be smaller-sized and hung away from the sink and shower area. The poster size depends on how big your bathroom mirror is; if it’s small, you may want to choose a large poster so that it appears larger in the mirror. Bathrooms tend to have more moisture than other rooms (especially after showers), so frames made of glass or plastic will protect your artwork from molding over time.

Finally, make sure that whatever posters you choose for your bathroom—whether it’s inspirational quote art or just something funny—they don't have any offensive language or imagery!


Your kitchen is a place of magic. It's where you take all the ingredients for your meals and turn them into delicious food that nourishes your body. Your kitchen should be filled with posters that reflect this fact, as well as the other things that make up this power center of your home.

  • The ideal poster for your kitchen will be about cooking, eating or food in general—anything that enhances the experience of preparing and consuming meals at home.

  • You'll want bright colors and happy faces in these posters because kitchens are naturally cheerful places, so don't ruin their vibe by hanging something depressing on the wall!

  • Last but not least: don't forget humor! After all, what's better than laughter while chopping veggies?


Hallways are a tricky spot to decorate. They're not rooms, so it may feel strange to hang posters in them (or too much like a college dorm). They're also narrow, which means that you can't display much art on the walls without making the hallway feel claustrophobic.

But hallways are important—they connect all of your other rooms together! If that's not enough reason for you to be creative with how you decorate yours, then consider this: many people walk through your hallway on their way from one room to another. It might seem like an insignificant detail now, but if they have to take a step back every time they see something new hanging on the wall (and trust us—the first time someone sees something unusual in their path can be jarring), then it could lead them down a path of frustration and resentment toward all things "artistic" in life.

Posters are a great way to personalize your home.

Posters are a great way to personalize your home. They're inexpensive, easy to hang and can be used in any room of the house. You can use them to create a theme or focal point in an otherwise empty room, or just add some colour to a plain white wall.

The most important thing when it comes to posters is that they fit the space where you want them displayed. If you're hanging up posters on an entire wall, it's best if they are roughly 1/3 of the width of the wall (or even less). This allows light from outside windows and doors to shine through the poster frames while still giving enough space between each poster for viewers' eyes not become overwhelmed by large amounts of imagery all at once!

Posters should also be hung so that they're level with where your eye line lands when standing next to them; this means hanging them at about eye level for most people! If you have pictures that are taller than this height then consider using double frame sets so as not cover up too much art with framing materials such as glass panes or metal bars etc