alt="five art prints from murellos's art print collection in a modern living room"


Your living room is the center of your home, so it makes sense to want a space that reflects your personality and preferences. The best way to bring a personal touch to your living room is by adding decor pieces that you love. Art prints are a great way to add color, patterns and style to any room. You can also create a gallery wall with art prints using different sizes, colors and textures for a unique look. Whether your tastes lean toward modern or traditional, we’ve put together some general tips for hanging artwork in any living space!

Make sure your art prints match the style you’ve already got going on in the room

Art prints are a great way to add some personality to your living room. If you want to match the style of your art prints with that of your existing decor, there are several things you can do:

  • Use art prints as a way to complement existing decor. For example, if you have solid colored furniture and wood flooring, try using an abstract print on the wall behind the couch or on one of the walls in another room. This will help break up all of those solid colors and give them some contrast and texture.

  • Use art prints as a way to add warmth and character. For example, if you have hardwood floors but don’t want any artwork that is too busy or distracting from the rest of your decorating scheme (maybe because it has lots of lines), try hanging up an old-fashioned landscape painting or portrait instead! It will bring life into your room without being too bold or overwhelming everything else around it like some modern pieces might tend towards doing sometimes when placed next door side by side at eye level height level distance away everyone else who comes over without having invited them first time yet still shows up anyways even though they weren't invited because they were told not allowed come inside so instead just stand outside waiting patiently until someone invites them inside whereupon they'll walk right past everyone else standing around just looking bored bored bored waiting patiently for something interesting finally happens besides sitting quietly eating dinner politely listening attentively politely nodding whenever spoken directly addressed about anything whatsoever no matter how boringly dull boringly dull boringly dull conversation filled with facts facts facts facts which may sound good but actually aren't true at all!

Hang your art prints at the right height for your room and for viewers

When it comes to the height you should hang your art prints, there are a couple of things to consider:

  • What is the size of your living room?

  • How tall are you?

  • How tall are your guests and other frequent viewers?


alt="six art prints with a modern and minimalist style in a living room"

Hang your art prints in a gallery wall arrangement for a fresh look

If you want to add some art prints to your living room, the first step is to arrange them in an interesting way. A gallery wall is a great option for doing this because it allows you to display multiple different images and styles of art on one wall. You can create a gallery wall by following these steps:

  • Use a grid system so that all of your prints are evenly spaced apart from each other as well as from any other elements on the wall (such as furniture). For example, if your frame size is 15 cm x 20 cm and there's enough space between two pieces of furniture, hang them at distance A = 30 cm apart; then hang another at B = 30 cm from C; and so forth until you reach D = 30cm from E with no overlap or gaps in between frames.

  • Use similar frames for all of your prints so that they look cohesive when grouped together; similarly sized frames will make each piece appear more balanced against its neighbors when viewed together. For example, if one print has a white border around it while another does not, using different sizes will help tie them together visually instead of making it seem like there's something missing within each grouping due to lack of uniformity among its components (i). If possible try hanging larger prints above smaller ones so they don't overpower their neighbors—this rule also applies when placing multiple pieces face-to-face next door neighbor style."

alt="five art prints with different size frames to give depth to the gallery wall"

Use different size frames to give depth to your gallery wall

When arranging your gallery wall, you can use different size frames to give depth to the overall effect. For example, if you have a large piece of art (say a canvas print), consider framing it in a smaller frame with some kind of texture or detail that will bring out the colors and draw attention away from the large print's size. The opposite is also true: If you have some small pieces that need to be framed in larger frames to fit on your wall, try pairing them with another similarly sized piece above or below them. This creates balance while keeping things interesting!

As far as color goes, this is where I feel like people get too hung up on matching everything perfectly—but don't worry too much about making your prints all match! Just make sure they're complementary without being too jarringly different from one another--think about what colors complement each other well (e.g., blue and yellow) versus ones that are better used separately (red and orange). You'll find that using different textures adds visual interest without making things look cluttered; for example, using paper prints alongside traditional canvas paintings gives both kinds of artwork equal weight because they appear equally flat against each other despite being made from two different materials."

alt="three modern black and white art prints to add some personality to the living room"

Use your art prints to add some personality to your living room

Art prints are a great way to add some personality and color to your living room. Use them to give your space a personal touch, or choose art prints that reflect the feeling you want your room to have.

If you want the room to feel airy and light, go for lighter colors like white or gray with pastel accents. If you want it to feel cozy and comfy, try on darker shades like browns and reds with touches of black here and there.

Don’t be afraid of texture either! You can put up a wall paper print if that’s what strikes your fancy--it will still look good even if it doesn't fit into any category we've listed above!

alt="a large and elegant wall with a big art print"

Take advantage of large empty walls by filling them with a big, bold print

Use a large print to fill an empty wall. Large prints can make a great statement piece in your living room. They can add color and texture to the room, as well as serve as a focal point for your decorating scheme. Large art prints are also easy to incorporate into any style of living room because they can add drama and interest or become more muted in less dramatic spaces.

alt="four posters with bright colors & different textures in the living room"

Don’t be afraid to use bright colors & different textures in your living room decor

Don't be afraid to use bright colors and different textures in your living room decor.

When you are decorating with art prints, the first thing you want to do is look at the colors in your prints. If there are lots of dark tones and blacks, then you will want to balance them out by adding some bright colors. You can do this by using pillows or lamps that have bright patterns or fabrics. You could also add a little bit of color by hanging up a painting with a lot of blues or greens.

If you want to add depth to your living room, then try using different textures as well as different shapes and sizes for all of your furniture pieces so that they don't all look alike! For example, if one end table has wooden legs while another has glass ones then it will give both ends their own personalities when paired together—and they'll still blend well enough together despite being different materials since they're both made from wood: wood (in general) tends not only come from trees but also other sources like bamboo shoots which leads us into our next tip...

If you want to decorate with art prints in your home, you don’t need to go overboard. Here are 7 tips and tricks for decorating with art prints in your living room that will add warmth and character without looking cluttered.

If you want to decorate with art prints in your home, there are a few things to consider. The most important thing is to pick the right size for the space and style of print you want. If you choose an over sized piece for a small room, it will look overwhelming and take away from other elements in the room that could be more interesting. Similarly, an understated photo of a flower or other tiny object might not make much of an impact on its own if it's hung in a cavernous space.

Another thing to consider is your style: Do you prefer bright colors? Is black-and-white more your vibe? If so, go for it! However, keep in mind that large pieces can make smaller rooms feel even smaller than they already are (especially if they're all black).


So, hopefully, you have now gained a few ideas from this article on how to decorate your living room. The key is to make it your own and style it with what you like. We find that art prints work really well in living rooms. There are so many different styles out there these days that you can find something for every taste.