6 Easy Tips How to Choose The Right Art Prints for Your Living Room

alt="3 art prints with different sizes and shapes in a cozy living room with a beige sofa and yellow pillows"

6 Easy Tips How to Choose The Right Art Prints for Your Living Room

alt="3 art prints with abstract shapes and minimal geometric compositions in a living room with a large sofa and yellow pillows"


For many people, adding artwork to a living room is an afterthought—yet it shouldn't be. After all, the right artwork can tie an entire room together and make for a more peaceful home of your dreams. When most people think about decorating their living rooms (or any other space in the house), they tend to choose furniture first, then move on to color schemes, rugs, and curtains or blinds.

Section: Plan ahead

Section: Decide on size and placement of the art

Section: Select the style of your artwork

Section: Don't forget about the frame(s)

Section: Consider your audience

Takeaway: You'll find choosing art for your living room much easier if you plan ahead! Enjoy setting up your new place!

Find the right style for your living room

When you are choosing art prints for your living room, it is important to consider the style of the artwork.

  • Choose a style that fits your taste.

  • Choose a style that fits your living room.

  • Choose a style that fits your budget.

  • Choose a style that fits your space in the house if it’s large or small, open or closed, etc., and make sure it doesn’t overwhelm the room with too much visual “weight” or clutter up an otherwise empty wall space by making it look cluttered with multiple pieces (unless this is what you want).

  • Choose a style which best reflects who you are as an individual and what interests/activities make up most of what goes on behind closed doors when no one else is around to see them!

Choose your favorite artist

  • Choose your favorite artist. This is the most important step. If you like an artist, chances are they will create the perfect art print for your living room—and if you don't, it's unlikely that anything else will do. You can find out more about the artist and see if they have a website or store where you can purchase their work directly.

  • Visit the artist's website or use their name to search for art prints online. Using Google image search will also help narrow down your selection so that only similar styles appear in your list of results (for example, searching for "Klimt" rather than just "art").

  • Choose the right size for your space and consider framing options as well (see below). Artwork should always be scaled to fit its environment—if it looks too small in one room but would look great in another place on its own floor plan where there's more open space around it then go ahead!

alt="art prints with different sizes and shapes"

Use different sizes and shapes

The next step is to experiment with different sizes and shapes. It’s important that the composition of art prints in your living room reflects your own personal style, so you should never feel restricted by having to use square, rectangular or circular prints only. Instead, try combining them with each other (or any other shape) in one composition. This will help you achieve a harmonious look in your living room and make it look visually appealing at the same time!

As far as colors go, choosing just one color scheme isn't enough—you should use at least two different ones if you want something bolder that stands out from the crowd! You can either choose complementary colors (blue-green vs red-orange), analogous colors (yellow vs blue-green), or triadic colors (yellow vs purple). The good news is that there are plenty of free tools online that allow anyone who isn't an expert designer yet still wants to create beautiful designs for their home decor projects like this one offered by Adobe which allows users upload already existing photos from their computer then save them out as JPEG images ready for printing purposes; however if you're not interested  in spending too much money on buying new ones every month/year then maybe consider keeping things simple while still looking great?

Place them in the right spot

After you've selected your art, it's time to figure out exactly where in your home you want to hang it. If the piece is large and dramatic, be sure to place it in an area that can handle its presence. Large prints are also great for covering empty walls or for creating a focal point in a room. If your print is small, consider hanging two or three together on one wall. Small prints look great when paired with larger images; you could even create something that looks like an entire gallery wall without spending too much money or effort!

A good rule of thumb when placing art is always: "Position your artwork so that the focal point is facing into the room." For example, if I had a piece of art with someone's face as my focal point and I wanted everyone who enters my living room (or anywhere else) to see this person first when they walk through my door...I would hang it up on one side wall facing into my space so people walking by would see this person right away (if they were looking at me).

alt="a gallery wall with five different art print styles"

Make a gallery wall

  • Use a gallery wall to display a collection of art prints.

  • Use a gallery wall to display a collection of photos.

  • Use a gallery wall to display a collection of family portraits.

  • Use a gallery wall to display all three!

Display them in a stylish frames

One of the best ways to bring your art prints to life is to add a stylish frame. A frame can be used to give the piece a different look, make it appear more expensive and modern, or traditional. There are many types of frames out there that you can buy based on what style you want for your living room.

One way that you can use frames is by grouping together different sized prints in one frame. If you have several small art prints from various artists then this is an easy way to show off all of them at once without taking up too much space on any one wall in your home. Another option would be using large pieces with multiple colors or patterns printed onto them as part of an entire wall collage rather than hanging each one separately on its own wall space

Decorating a living room with art prints is an inexpensive and easy way to personalize it.

Decorating a living room with art prints is an inexpensive and easy way to personalize it.

Art prints are a great way to bring color and personality to any room, especially when they're not the focal point of the space. They can be an affordable way to decorate your home without breaking the bank, especially if you look for art that's on sale or use coupons when shopping online.


So now we know some of the basics of choosing an art print that will complement your living room, but how do you know when it’s not perfect? Well, if you’re having trouble deciding on a particular piece of art, it’s best to get feedback from someone who already has one or more prints in their home. You can also visit local galleries and ask them for advice!