How To Decorate a Room Using Posters

Old fashioned cocktail poster

How To Decorate a Room Using Posters

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt

A room can be much more than a place to sleep and keep your clothes. With the right decorating, you can turn a room into an inspiring space that you can use for work, play or both. Posters are a great way to add color and inspiration to your walls, so long as you know what kind of look you're going for and how to use them correctly!

1. Choose all posters that have the same color scheme.

Campari Bitter

It's important to note that your poster colors should complement each other. If you have a red and yellow theme for your room, then you probably shouldn't choose posters with purple and green as their main colors.

In addition, it's best to choose all posters that have the same color scheme. This will make your room feel cohesive and whole, instead of like it was decorated by several different people who didn't know each other at all.

2. Choose posters based on a theme.

Cafe terrace at night

The first step to decorating a room with posters is to choose a theme. You’re probably already familiar with this term in relation to choosing décor for your home, but it’s also useful when deciding which posters to hang up on your walls. The idea behind choosing a theme is that everything in the room will have something in common: they’ll be related by color scheme, common style or some other unifying factor. For example, if you were decorating an office space for two close friends who work together, their posters could all be related by being about music festivals or ones that feature animals on them—both of which would fit within the given theme of “music festivals and animals.”

Once you've chosen what type of theme you want your poster collection to represent (for example: travel-inspired art), start thinking about how many different styles/colors/etc are going into representing that particular idea once all poster frames have been hung up on walls around entire house!

3. Hang your posters in order of size.

  • Hang your posters in order of size. Because the largest poster is usually at eye level, you'll want to hang it first so that it can serve as a guide for how the other pieces should look.

  • If you have a lot of posters, hang them in rows of 3-5. This will create a more cohesive look and make sure that each piece gets equal attention without taking over the room or becoming overwhelmingly crowded. You could also consider hanging them on separate walls if they do take up too much space together!

4. Combine art with actual photographs.

London Cityscape Black and White Poster

One of the easiest ways to make a room feel more like you is to incorporate actual photographs into your decor. When it comes to posters, there are two things you want to consider—the kind of photos used and how many posters are hung up in a room.

The first thing you'll want to do when deciding on what kind of photos you want for your room is make sure that they're framed and hung on your walls so they're visible from all angles. It doesn't matter if it's in black & white or color; just make sure they're properly displayed so it looks intentional rather than haphazardly thrown together.

When hanging up posters, try using different types of shots—close ups, far away scenes (that include people), and somewhere in between where we can see what's going on without having too much detail taken away from the image itself by focusing too closely on one specific aspect

5. Make sure you have at least some empty space on the wall.

  • Make sure you have at least some empty space on the wall.

This is the most important step in creating your poster wall. You want to make sure that there's enough room for all of your posters and that they don't crowd together too much. This will help keep your poster wall from looking too busy or overwhelming, which is especially important if you're working with a small space.

  • Don't forget about balance!

Try not to fill up every square inch of your walls with posters—it can make a room feel cluttered and uncomfortable. It might be tempting to put up as many posters as possible so you can show off how cool and hipsterish (I just made that up) you are, but try not do this unless it really works in context! For example: I recently saw an apartment where someone had put up so many posters that it was impossible to tell what kind of furniture was actually in there; everything looked like an abstract blur of colors because everything else had been covered by them! On another note...

6. Posters are a great way to add color and inspiration to your walls, so long as you know what kind of look you're going for and how to use them correctly

Posters are a great way to add color and inspiration to your walls, so long as you know what kind of look you're going for and how to use them correctly. Posters can be used to create a theme or mood, or simply act as a focal point in the room. They can also help fill empty space on your wall when you don't want any other art hanging there (or if you're just not sure yet).


Posters are a great way to add color and inspiration to your walls, so long as you know what kind of look you're going for and how to use them correctly. You can decorate with them based on a theme (such as travel), style (like vintage or modern), or color scheme. Just make sure that all your posters have the same colors so they compliment each other nicely! If you aren't sure where to start, maybe try searching "inspirational posters" on Pinterest?