What wall art for bedroom

mid century modern art prints

what wall art for bedroom

modern abstract wall art

Decorating your bedroom with art is a great way to express yourself. The space should be a beautiful reflection of who you are. If you have an eclectic style, then by all means show it off! It doesn't matter whether your artwork is bold or subtle so long as it makes you happy and puts you in a better mood when looking at them every day.

1. You don't have to stick to one kind of art in your bedroom. It's ok to mix it up and use prints, paintings, photos and tapestries in the same room so long as you like the way it looks.

Abstract and modern art prints

You don't have to stick to one kind of art in your bedroom. It's ok to mix it up and use prints, paintings, photos and tapestries in the same room so long as you like the way it looks.

Mixing different types of art is easy if you keep some basic principles in mind:

  • Keep similar sizes together. For example, if you have a small landscape print on the wall, don’t put a large painting right next to it (unless they're still quite different sizes).

  • Make sure that all pieces complement each other by having a similar color scheme or style. For example, if you have two paintings side-by-side that are both modern abstracts with bright colors and bold lines then make sure they are at least somewhat similar with those elements in mind!

2. Find a balance of art that is fun and serious, modern and traditional, colourful and elegant.

3 abstract modern art prints

It's important to find a balance of art that is fun and serious, modern and traditional, colourful and elegant. You want your space to feel like you—and not just some generic art store picture. So if you're going to invest in beautiful pieces for your bedroom, do it right: make sure there are plenty of options so you can mix and match them according to your mood on any given day.

Here are some ideas for how many pieces and what kinds of art should decorate this room:

  • 1 large painting or drawing

  • 2 small paintings or drawings (these could be prints)

3. Mix sizes, colors and mediums. Make sure some pieces are hung low enough for children to enjoy them.

You want your child's room to be a place where she can create her own little world. The best way to do this is by making sure that the pieces of wall art are varied in size, color and medium. You can hang some pieces low enough for your children to enjoy them as they grow, such as large canvas prints or even paintings done on cardboard tubes.

If you're looking for inspiration, try checking out some of the top galleries in your area. Art museums often have educational programs that feature artists with local connections doing shows at schools and libraries throughout their communities—this could be an excellent way to get some ideas about what kinds of paintings you'd like hanging up on the walls!

4. Show off your personality using art that you like to look at every day.


When it comes to decorating your bedroom, consider using art that you like to look at every day. You want to create a space that feels comfortable and cozy—and if you’re going to spend so much time in this room, make sure everything is arranged just so! Placing paintings and posters that are meaningful or aesthetically pleasing will make for a more inviting atmosphere.

5. there are many ways to decorate your bedroom with art

When it comes to deciding what art to put on your walls, there are plenty of ways to go about this project. In making your choices, consider the following:

  • Use art that you like looking at every day. You're going to be living with this artwork for quite a while; make sure it's something you truly enjoy looking at and don't think will get old over time.

  • Choose fun and serious pieces as well as modern and traditional ones, colorful ones and elegant ones or even eclectic combinations of all three. Mix sizes, colors and mediums until they feel right together!

  • Your personality should shine through in your bedroom wall decorating scheme so choose an array of pieces that show off who you really are!


So, there you go. We hope this guide has helped you find the right type of art for your bedroom and given you some inspiration for how to display it. If none of these ideas are quite right yet then don't worry! You can always come back here again when you're ready to give your space another makeover